Profile PictureTom Walsh

My name is Tom Walsh, Many of my best memories from childhood were at the dinner table with my family, sharing delicious meals together. It shaped me in to who I am today and sharing experiences around food was (and is) a significant part of my identity.After high school, I turned to weightlifting as an outlet for my need to be physically active. I started looking at food purely for fuel, not joy. Diet culture told me that good tasting food = “bad for you”, and it felt necessary to sacrifice that part of my life to reach my goals. Before long, I began to feel like I was sacrificing too much - but I wasn’t willing to give up either my love for food or my passion for fitness.I began combining my knowledge of the basic principles of nutrition with my love for food and cooking, and after tons of trial and error - I was able to learn techniques to combine the best of both worlds. I found that it was actually very possible to significantly improve the “health” / “nutrition” of foods without really sacrificing on taste, it just took a few ingredient swaps here and there.


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